Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Grow it Global on Fernhill Farm!

We're looking for volunteers during the festive period to help Grow it Global. As part of the ‘Send a Cow’ initiative Grow it Global is an exciting new education project involving thousands of pupils, who will visit UK farms for practical, fun sessions on sustainable development, food issues and climate change. We're looking for help to get African ‘Keyhole Gardens’ ready on the farm.


A Keyhole Garden is a type of kitchen garden that is part of Send a Cow's natural gardening training in Africa. It gets its name from the shape of the keyhole that you see when viewing it from above. The design incorporates a central 'basket' where compostable waste is placed and water is poured which in turn feeds the surrounding plants. They have many different forms, and are epecially useful in areas where good soil is scarce, often supplementing diets with nutritious vegetables.

In the spring an African farmer will visit Fernhill Farm to give demonstrations of gardening techniques that are easy for children to adopt at home or at school.

Could you spare a few hours on Saturday 27th December 10am-2pm to get involved in this unique global project? There will be hot drinks and food from the Glory Hole Garden at Fernhill ready for you and all the tools and instructions will be provided. If you would like to find out more details please contact Jen Hunter on 07903 584695, mail@fernhill-farm.co.uk or www.fernhill-farm.co.uk 

The Mendip Mind

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